Sunday, July 17, 2005

Well back to business as usual

well after the whole train fiasco that i had in Berlin we did make it to Copenhagen. We met some English *mates* on the train yesterday and they decided to stay in the same hostel as was cheaper. Anyway it was kinda cool walking around a city in Europe and, having already been there, show others around...weird feeling in when in Copenhagen. It felt good though, we are seasoned travelers now so we know what we are doing. I am currently awaiting a train to Oslo because unfortunately our travels have come to a close. We are going back to school and back to business as usual. I know that a few of you readers were really pumped about the new Harry Potter book coming out and I broke down and bought it because i needed something for the train. Um other than that I just want everybody to know that I will continue posting on this website from Norway and I am thinking I will even when I get home. I met alot of friends here in Europe and this is the best way to keep in contact that i can think I like to tell stories and I figured lets write it down so that I can get some feedback on them. Especially from people like Phil who i dont see enough of...and whose opinion i really respect. Well i have takin enough time, the train is coming soon so this is where I leave you until i reach Moss and school.

goodbye for now

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